Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Car Accident....a tough time

I don't want to get into to many details but I was involved in an accident this week.
A young teenage boy in my town came out of his friends driveway without looking and crashed into the side of my car. He was thrown up on my windshield and his bike slide under the car. I saw him at the last moment slammed on my break and threw my wheel over to the other side of the road to try to avoid him. He was talking to me as we called 911 and was airlifted to the hospital. My husband and I went to see him at the hospital and he had surgery on his leg which was broken. He is very fortunate especially since he was not wearing a helmet. I write on this blog to celebrate many happy events and I hesitated to write about this, but it is now a big part of my life. I was not sited or found at fault but I was and continue to be emotionally scarred by this experience. I have suffered from great anxiety and sleepless nights. It took a month before I was comfortable behind the wheel. My whole life has been devoted to children and even though I know I'm not at fault a big piece of me died that day. But the important thing is that he is doing well and I am have started to heal from the experience. Thank you to all of of you for your continual support!